

Now I know I fed you some philosophical mumbojumbo before, but that was a lie, hahahahaha! This is how it really went down... Me, Evan, and our pal Tim wanted to start a band. We had Tim's fender and 15 watt amp, and Evan's vocals. Now this wasn't the Evan we know today, this was before Evan entered puberty. He had baby fat and a high pitched voice, but that has nothing to do with the story at all. Anyway, we hit the record button on Evan's computer, and that is when the "magic" began. Tim played a randomly changing riff while Evan sang. We recorded our entire cd in like an hour and a half. It had 11 songs and it was about 5 minutes long. This was because of two reasons: 1. The computers sound recorder could only record for 1 minute at a time. 2. We sped up all of our songs. Now this second part is the key. Because we sped up the songs, the vocals became high pitched, resulting in an Alvin-and-the-Chipmunks-on-crack like sound. Well, needless to say we were proud of ourselves at the time, so we brought it in to school and had it played for our reading class. "They sound like squirrels," some proclaimed. And we thought, "Hey! How bout we use that for a name!" Well as for the radioactive part, it just kind of came to us, and that was how our name came to be.


Well, first it was me and Evan with that pretend band thing. We decided to let our buddy Jay come over Evan's house with his Yamaha and see what resulted. He brought his brother Chad along, the same brother who later became our first drummer. Now it was me, Jay, Chad, and Evan. Tim kind of left, so there were four of us. We got one riff to a song, Puddle of Mud stole it though, hahaha. But anyway, then Kryptik Matter came along. Now by then, there were no SquirrelZ, they kind of faded away. I later quit that band along with Jay , only for Jay to re-enter the band. I was intent on reviving the SquirrelZ, so I turned to good ol' Evan. At first he was set to play bass, but then we said screw it and let him sing. He sang, I played guitar, and Chad played drums. It was fun. We made our first new self produced demo on the very same mic in which our first old demo was. This one was slightly better seeing how it had more then one instrument. We had like 3 songs, and one joke song; the infamous Wasteland. Anyway, we made a demo, and people bought it. Well, we were kind of not friends with Jay for a while, but later he quit KM and came running back to the SquirrelZ. After that, Chad quit so he could get better at drums, seeing how he had only been playing for a week or two at the time, but getting better quick all the same. So, me, Jay, and Evan went in search of a new drummer. We decided to give Mr. Matt Lafluer a try and have him come over to Evan's to "jam". So we jammed, and we decided he didn't suck, he didn't suck one bit as a matter fact. Well, even though we played our school's Rock of Ages with special guest drummer Dan Kane of Falling Short, Matt was officially a member. And so, the four of us set out on a quest to make music, music that doesn't suck. And we are still on that quest to this date...


The Radioactive SquirrelZ are:

Steve   Evan   Matt   Jay